Cat Hydration And It's Importance

Cat Hydration And It's Importance

Cats are known for their immense love for eating. However, when it comes to cat drinking, they do not often have the best relationship with water, making it a challenge for cat parents to ensure their fur babies are hydrated.

How much water should a cat drink?

It is crucial for cat drinking water in the right amount for making sure they lead a normal, active lifestyle. The general amount of water needed by cats often depends on their age and breed. However, the average adult cat needs to drink at least 50 to 70ml of water per kilo body weight daily.

Why is proper hydration important for cats?

Cat hydration is of immense importance to carry out all essential bodily functions, which include food digestion, joint lubrication, electrolytes distribution, as well as body temperature regulation. Proper cat hydration also helps avoid feline diseases like renal and urinary tract disorders.


How to get a cat to drink water?

If you are consistently concerned about my cat is not drinking water, here are some tips to help you keep your kitty well hydrated.

  1. Choose the right bowl

    If you are worried about my cat is not drinking water, it might be a good idea to change its water bowl. The ideal water bowl for cat drinking has a wide, accessible base with a shallow depth. This allows cats to easily reach the water without falling into it. Water bowls made from ceramic and steel are durable and reduce the chances of contamination, thus ensuring cat hydration, because clean water bowls are a must for cats.

  2. Place it in the right location

    It is worrisome to see a cat not drinking enough water. Indoor cats can be encouraged to drink more water by placing water bowls in the right locations around the house, such as in the kitchen or near their beds. Cats prefer being tidy, so avoid placing the water bowl near the litter tray to encourage your cat drinking water.

  3. Keep it fresh

    If you are trying to encourage a cat drinking water, one of the best decisions is to keep changing the water in its drinking bowl to make sure the water is always fresh and ready for cat drinking. Changing the water every couple of hours also ensures that it is free from any contaminants and does not carry any water-borne diseases.

  4. Try a cat fountain

    Wondering what to do if the cat not drinking enough water? Getting a cat fountain can be a good idea in trying to get your furry little munchkin to drink more water and stay hydrated. Water fountains have a constant supply of fresh water for cat drinking and help cats stay stimulated and entertained for a long time, encouraging cat drinking water from time to time.

  5. Add wet cat food to the diet

    If you are worried about my cat is not drinking water, here’s an easy fix! Felines can never deny their love for food, making wet cat food an excellent option to keep your fur kiddo hydrated, even in cases like cat not drinking water. Wet cat food has a high moisture content, which keeps your feline friend well-hydrated even without the cat drinking water in the right amounts. Furthermore, wet cat food is available in exciting flavours and is widely loved by cats.

    You can also give your fur baby wet treats to keep them hydrated. Temptations™ cat treats come in Creamy Purrrree range (creamy treats/ lickable treats) which are not just delicious and loved by furries, but are also filled with goodness!

Why is my cat not drinking water?

  1. Sufficient hydration

    The average adult cat requires about 50 to 70ml of water per kilo of its body weight daily. And, most cats are unlikely to drink any more water once they’ve drunk their fill. The chances of cat drinking too much water are low as furry felines often stop drinking water once they are sufficiently hydrated.

  2. Water bowl isn’t clean

    Cats are extremely tidy by their very nature and can spend hours grooming themselves. So, it does not come as a surprise that fur babies would want to have their drinking and feeding bowl to be squeaky clean at all times as well. Cat not drinking water can be a result of having an unclean water bowl.

  3. Cat may have dental disease

    Worried about cat not drinking water? Cats often avoid drinking water when they have dental disease. Not only is a dental disease uncomfortable, but cat drinking water can make the infected area more sensitive, adding to the discomfort. So, fur kiddos with dental disease often give up drinking. Hence, make sure you get your kitty’s dentures professionally checked if it suddenly refuses to drink water.

  4. Cat may have gastrointestinal conditions

    Gastrointestinal conditions can also cause cats to drink less water than they are expected to. This is because gastrointestinal diseases can often develop symptoms like frequent vomiting and diarrhoea, which can cause substantial discomfort. Furthermore, drinking water can make cats feel uneasy, so cats with gastrointestinal problems often avoid drinking water while sick.

What causes dehydration in cats?

Dehydration in cats is often a result of several factors that result in cat not drinking water. Physical ailments, such as urinary tract disorders, food poisoning, frequent urination, vomiting, and diarrhoea are the leading causes of rapid moisture loss from the body, resulting in dehydration. In addition, factors like unclean drinking bowls, as well as a sudden change in the environment can cause our feline friends to feel stressed and give up drinking water. However, dehydration is a serious risk and must be identified on time to make sure it does not become fatal.

Mentioned below are some of the most common signs of dehydration in cats.

Signs of dehydration in cats

  1. Dry gum

    The water content of the body helps regulate the amount of saliva produced by the glands in the mouth. The salivary glands are responsible for keeping the mouth, tongue, and gums moisturized, which prevents any accidental injury while chewing. Dehydration in cats often results in dry gums and significantly raises the risks of mouth ulcers.

  2. Lethargy or depression

    Staying hydrated is of utmost importance in cats for staying active. This is because water helps lubricate the joints in the body, helping cats stay agile and avoid hurting their joints. Furthermore, water is responsible for the distribution of electrolytes, which helps cats keep up their energetic spirit. Dehydration can often cause these adorable furballs to feel lethargic or depressed.

  3. Loss of appetite

    Water plays a crucial role in the process of digestion in cats. It helps regulate the flow of enzymes, as well as maintains all excretory processes. Not drinking sufficient water can lead to dehydration, which adversely affects the digestive processes, leading to indigestion as well as other gastrointestinal problems, thereby causing loss of appetite.

  4. Decrease in skin elasticity

    Water does not just help cats keep their joints well lubricated, but their everyday water intake is also reflected in their skin elasticity. Drinking sufficient water helps cats keep their coat healthy and staying well-hydrated can improve the elasticity of the skin. Dehydration often causes symptoms such as dry skin and skin losing its elasticity.

  5. Elevated heart rate

    The amount of water intake in cats is directly responsible for regulating the circulation of blood. Due to dehydration, blood circulation in cats often slows down, increasing the pressure exerted on the blood vessels, which in turn causes the heart rate to fasten. This elevated heart rate often raises the significant risks of cardiac diseases as well as heart malfunction.

What to do when a kitten doesn’t drink water?

  1. Placing water bowls around the house

    In instances of a kitten not drinking water, placing water bowls where they can be conveniently accessed such as in the kitchen can help fur babies in getting a refreshing drink.

  2. Getting a water fountain

    Water fountains have constant running water which can keep kittens entertained and stimulated for a long time. Hence cats are likely to drink more water from water fountains than bowls.

  3. Running the faucet

    Since cats often examine new objects by licking at them, a faucet with running water can be a witty and fun way of getting your kitten to drink more water.

  4. Putting ice cubes in your kitten’s food

    Putting ice cubes in your kitten’s food is another way of making sure they are hydrated. Ice cubes gradually melt, releasing moisture into cat food, and ensuring your kitty stays well-hydrated.

Cat Hydration FAQs

  1. Do cats drink a lot of water?

    Most cats drink less than the required amount or just enough water to sustain themselves. Cats do not often share the best relationship with water, making cases like cat drinking too much water quite rare. So, cats avoid drinking water completely or stop once their daily requirement for water is met.

  2. How do I know if my cat is drinking enough water?

    Water is extremely necessary for cats to maintain an active lifestyle. Cats that drink enough water are more agile and energetic. In addition, the signs of cat drinking too much water include a shiny coat and elastic skin.

  3. How much water should a cat drink in 24 hours?

    The everyday requirement for water in cats varies with the breed and the age of the cat. However, the average adult cat is required to drink at least 50 to 70ml of water per kilo of its body weight daily.

  4. What to do if my kitten is not drinking water?

    What to do when your kitten not drinking water? Placing multiple water bowls around the house, installing a water fountain, giving them wet cat food, and adding ice cubes to their food are popular solutions to kitten not drinking water.

  5. How long can a kitten go without drinking water?

    A kitten’s need for everyday water intake is lower than an adult cat. However, they are likely to start getting dehydrated within 24 hours and need to drink within 2 to 3 days to prevent their bodily functions from breaking down.


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