Signs Your Cat Loves You

Signs Your Cat Loves You

Winning over a cat’s heart is every cat parent’s trial, but once those purr-fect creatures shower you with affection, it’s a triumph like no other! How to know if your cat loves you?

If you’re wondering how do I know if my cat loves me, kitties have their own charming ways of expressing love. You just have to read the signs your cat loves you. It’s like a secret language of purrs, slow blinks, and kneads. If you’re still confused about the questions ‘does my cat love me? Does my cat care about me? or even more pertinently, does my cat love me or just want food? This article is for you. Let’s don Sherlock hats to crack the kitty love code and learn to read signs your cat loves you and also to answer how can I make my cat love me? Trust us, it’ll be like finding the key to a treasure chest of lifetime cuddles with your tiny one!

14 Signs Cats Love You

Here’s how to know if your cat loves you

  1. Your Cat purrs around you

    How do I know if my cat loves me? If kitty purrs around you, it’s a way how to know if a cat likes you.

  2. Your Cat sleeps on you

    If you say my cat loves to sleep on me, you're also saying my cat loves me.

  3. Your Cat follows you

    If your feline follows you around, you don’t need to ask ‘does my cat like me?’ or ‘does my cat care about me?

  4. Your Cat does slow blinks

    Does my cat like me? Slow blinks are signs my cat loves me.

  5. Your Cat bump heads

    When your cat head-bumps you, they're claiming you as their own. Don’t ask ‘Does my cat love me?’ Shout out my cat loves me!

  6. Your Cat sleeps with you

    How do I know if my cat likes me? You’re constantly saying “My cat loves to sleep on me.”

  7. Your Cat brings you presents

    If kitty brings you ‘presents,’ from their hunting forays you don’t need to wonder ‘does my cat love me or just want food.’

  8. Your Cat meows to you

    How to know if your cat loves you? Short meows are signs my cat loves me.

  9. Your Cat exposes their belly

    When your cat exposes their belly, it's the ultimate answer to ‘does my cat love me?’

  10. Your Cat Bites you

    How do I know if my cat likes me? Gentle, playful bites are a sign of love.

  11. Your Cat kneads you

    When cats knead you with their paws, it means they're content around you. Does my cat love me? Yes, they do!

  12. Your Cat licks you

    Wondering why my cat loves to lick me? Licking is a sign of affection and one way how to know if a cat likes you.

  13. Your Cat grooms you

    How do I know if my cat loves me? They groom you!

  14. Your Cat massages you

    How to know if your cat loves you? If kitty massages you, you can say ‘My cat loves me’ as it shows affection.

How can you show love to your cat

Does my cat like me? They will if you:

  1. Groom your cat

    Wondering how can I make my cat love me? Groom them!

  2. Spend time with your cat

    How to know if your cat loves you? Spend time playing, cuddling, and grooming.

  3. Feed cat treats to your cat

    One way to ensure my cat loves me is to pamper them with Temptations™ cat treats. Does my cat love me or just want food? The answer is both!

  4. Learn their language

    How do I know if my cat loves me? Pay attention to their body language for signs.

  5. Massage your cat

    Massaging your furball is the surest way to ‘how can I make my cat love me?’

  6. Prepare a cozy bed for your cat

    If my cat loves to sleep on me, it’s the answer to does my cat like me? Have a bed ready near you.

  7. Rub your cat's belly

    “How do you know if a cat likes you?” Don’t worry! Just rub their belly!


  1. How do I bond with my cat?

    How can I make my cat love me? is a common question among cat parents. Massages, belly rubs, and Temptations™ cat treats can help you bond with your cat.  If a cat loves to sleep on me, it’s a bonus!

  2. Do cats love kisses?

    If a cat loves to lick me or is head-butting me, they’re already giving me kisses. This is one way how to know if your cat loves you. Kiss them in return, but look out for signs they’ve had enough.

  3. Can cats understand when you are sad?

    A way how to tell your cat loves you or answer does my cat care about me is to notice if they’re purring or pawing you when you’re sad. This means they understand your sadness and want to heal you.

  4. Does cat bite to show affection?

    If my cat loves to lick me or gently bite me, it should answer my question how do I know if my cat loves me. Gentle and soft bites are a way how to know if your cat loves you. 

  5. How do cats pick their favourite person?

    How can I make my cat love me? Offer them a safe, loving home, a cozy bed, lots of cuddles, and delicious Temptations™ cat treats. You’ll never again wonder does my cat love me or does my cat like me.


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