Optimal Cat Feeding Schedule

Optimal Cat Feeding Schedule

Feeding your cherished kitty buddy entails more than simply placing food in a bowl. Apart from a cat feeding schedule, cat parents also need to determine the cat's nutritional requirements and strike the proper balance between free feeding and planned meals. In this post, we will look at the complexities of a cat feeding schedule, the best time to feed cats, including what to feed and how much, as well as the cat feeding schedule by age, between free feeding and regular meals.

✔ What and How much to feed a cat?

Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they eat meat exclusively. A high-quality commercial cat food is tailored to their individual nutritional needs. Look for a product with a major protein source and a well-balanced combination of vitamins and minerals. Some cat owners prefer raw or homemade meals, but speaking with a veterinarian is critical to ensure that your cat gets all the necessary nutrients.

Determining the right portion size for your cat depends on several factors, including age, weight, activity level, and health condition. Most commercial cat food packaging provides guidelines based on the cat's weight, but monitoring your cat's body condition and adjusting the portions accordingly is essential. Hence, as a loving cat parent, separating the feeding schedules for kittens and adult cats is important. Generally, there are two types of methods of feeding a cat: Free Feeding and Scheduled Feeding.

The following information explores the best time to feed cats and provides insights into creating a cat feeding schedule by age. It covers topics such as the ideal kitten eating schedule, determining the best cat eating schedule, and the advantages and disadvantages of different feeding methods. Additionally, it discusses what and how much to feed a cat, along with important factors to consider when establishing a cat feeding schedule by age. This emphasizes the importance of consulting with a veterinarian for personalized advice on the best feeding schedule for your cats.

✔ What is Free Feeding?

Before we talk about the best time to feed your cats, it's essential to know what Free Feeding is. Free feeding involves leaving a constant supply of food for your cat to graze on throughout the day. This ideal cat feeding schedule is for busy pet owners since it resembles a cat's normal practice of eating tiny, regular meals. However, careful supervision is required to avoid overeating and weight gain. Some cats can manage their food consumption, whilst others may be prone to overindulgence.


  • Convenience: Free feeding is ideal for busy pet owners who do not have a specific feeding plan for their cats.
  • Recreates Natural Behavior: Cats in the wild are opportunistic feeders, consuming many little meals throughout the day. Cats can emulate this natural habit by free eating.
  • Less Anxiety: Some cats may experience less stress with free-feeding since they can eat whenever they choose.


  • Overeating: Without proper portion management, some cats may overeat, resulting in obesity and other health issues.
  • Difficulty Monitoring Health concerns: Because there is no established feeding regimen, it can be difficult to monitor changes in appetite or spot health concerns early on.
  • Food spoiling: Leaving food out for lengthy periods, especially in warmer areas, can cause spoiling, potentially causing stomach troubles.

✔ What is Scheduled Feeding?

Scheduled feeding is giving your cat specified meals at predetermined intervals throughout the day. This approach provides for greater quantity management, which is especially beneficial for cats that have dietary restrictions or are prone to overeating. Scheduled meals also make it easy to monitor your cat's appetite and spot any changes in eating habits that may indicate underlying health problems.


  • Portion Control: Scheduled feeding gives you more control over your cat's portion proportions, lowering the danger of overeating and obesity.
  • Health Monitoring: It allows for more in-depth monitoring of the cat's appetite, making it simpler to notice changes in feeding habits that may indicate health difficulties.
  • Pattern and predictability: Cats enjoy patterns, and planned feeding provides a predictable routine that some felines find reassuring.


  • Less Flexibility: Because owners must be present for each meal, scheduled feeding may be less practical for owners with erratic schedules.
  • Worry in Some Cats: Some cats may feel worried or stressed as a result of having to wait for regular meals, particularly if they are used to free eating.
  • Unsuitable for Grazers: Cats who like to eat in small amounts throughout the day may find scheduled feeding unsuitable.
  • The decision between free feeding and planned feeding is based on the cat's and owner's particular requirements and preferences. When choosing the best feeding strategy or schedule for your cat, you must consider its health, lifestyle, and habits.

The Verdict:

Finally, the decision between free feeding and planned meals is determined by your cat's specific demands as well as your lifestyle. Some cats like the flexibility of free eating, but others prefer the rigidity of planned meals. Observing your cat's behavior, tracking their weight, and checking with a veterinarian are all important steps in selecting the best feeding schedule for cats. 

✔How often should I feed my cat?

Feeding your cat is an important part of good pet care, and the frequency of meals should be customized to a variety of criteria to protect your feline friend's health. Here are some crucial points to consider:

  1. Age

    When it comes to feeding kittens, establishing a consistent eating schedule is essential, as a newborn kitten's feeding schedule is different from the adult cat’s! Kittens should be fed small, frequent meals throughout the day to support their rapid growth and development. As they mature into adult cats, transitioning to a regular feeding schedule with two to three meals per day is recommended. Finding the best feeding schedule for cats will ensure they receive the proper nutrition and maintain a healthy weight.

    Same as the newborn kitten feeding schedule. Due to their tiny stomach capacity, young kittens require more frequent feedings. Meanwhile, feeding a 6-week-old kitten requires a specific schedule to meet their nutritional needs. At this age, they should be fed 4-5 small meals throughout the day, gradually transitioning to solid food.

    An 8-week-old kitten can follow a similar feeding schedule but with larger portions and a gradual reduction in the number of meals as they grow. For a 3-week-old kitten, a frequent feeding schedule, like every 2-3 hours is necessary, as they are still dependent on their mother's milk or a milk replacement formula.

    As a 2-month-old kitten, they can be fed 3-4 meals a day, with a combination of wet and dry food to ensure a balanced diet. Now, what about a 6-month-old kitten’s feeding schedule? You may start feeding them twice a day until they reach maturity.

    Establishing a consistent cat eating schedule is important for cats of all ages, as it helps regulate their digestion and prevents overeating. The best time to feed cats is typically in the morning and evening, aligning with their natural hunting instincts and providing them with energy throughout the day.

  2. Food preference

    Consider if your cat prefers wet or dry food. Some cats may prefer one over the other, and this choice may alter the cat feeding schedule.

  3. Weight

    Keep an eye on your cat's weight and modify the portion amounts accordingly. Overweight cats may require more frequent or bigger meals, whereas underweight cats may require more frequent or larger meals.

  4. Medical Illnesses

    Cats suffering from medical illnesses such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism may require a special feeding regimen and nutritional restrictions. Consult your veterinarian for specific advice.

  5. Feeding Regimen

    Establish a regular feeding regimen. Cats enjoy predictability and a routine aid in the regulation of their metabolism and digestion.

  6. Fresh Water

    Wet cat food can help with daily water intake, but encouraging water consumption is critical, especially for cats on a dry food diet.

  7. Senior Cats

    To accommodate changes in metabolism and digestion, senior cats may benefit from smaller, more frequent meals. Regular veterinarian examinations might assist in tailoring the feeding plan to your senior cat's individual needs.

  8. Snacks

    While occasional indulgences are good, overindulging can lead to nutritional imbalances and weight problems. As a result, pick low-calorie cat snacks, such as Temptations Pocket cat snack, which has less than 2 Kcal per treat. Your kitties will like the crunchy pocket on the exterior and the creamy filling on the inside. All it takes is a shake!

  9. Individual Preferences

    Take note of your cat's routines and preferences. Some cats love to graze all day, while others prefer scheduled mealtimes.

✔ Cat Feeding Schedule by Age and Weight

Newborn Kittens:

For newborn kittens, it is crucial to feed them every 2-3 hours, with 2-6 ml of formula milk per feeding.  At this stage, their weight typically ranges from 50 to 150 grams (1.7 – 5.2 ounces).

1-4 Weeks Old Kittens:

As kittens reach 1 – 2 weeks of age, continue to feed them every 3-4 hours, and increase the kitten formula to about 6-10ml per feeding. Your kitten’s weight at this age should be around 150 – 250 grams (5.2 – 8.8 ounces). When your kitten reaches two weeks of age, adjust feeding intervals to every 4 to 5 hours, providing 10-14 ml.  Remember to monitor your kitten’s weight, should be around 250-350 grams (8.8 – 12.4 ounces). For 3 to 4-week-old kittens, increase the feeding time to every 4 to 5 hours, with 14 to 18 ml per feeding. At this stage, you may find your kitten getting heavier and more playful.

4-8 Weeks Old Kittens:

You may start weaning it off from milk formula and gradually switch to a mixture of kitten formula and wet-bitten food. Feed your kittens every 5 to 6 hours, providing 18-22 ml per feeding with adding some wet-bitten food. Check your kitten’s weight whether has reached the range of  450 to 550 grams (15.9 ounces -1.1 pounds). When your kitten is 5 – 8 weeks old, you may start to offer them an unlimited amount of wet kitten food every 6 hours to support their growing appetite. By the end of the eighth week, your kitten’s weight should be around 550 -850 grams (1.1-1.5 pounds)

8-16 Weeks Old Kittens:

From 8 weeks to 16 weeks, maintain the feeding time every 6-8 hours. Your kitten would be fully weaned. Ensure your kittens have an intake of around 250 – 360 calories per day. Keep a close eye on the weight to ensure their overall well-being. You should always review the label on the kitten's food package to determine the appropriate daily feeding amount for your kittens.

4 to 11-Month-Old Kittens:

As kittens grow up to 4 to 11 months of age, their nutritional needs change. Adjust feeding time to every 8 to 12 hours and feed them according to their body weight, 60 to 65 calories per pound of body weight per day. If the kitten weighs 6 pounds, you should feed them approximately 390 calories per day.  Regular weight monitoring is essential during this developmental stage.

12 Months Old Kittens to Adulthood:

From 12 months onwards, kittens transition into adulthood and their feeding schedule can be adjusted accordingly. Feed them every 8 – 12 hours, around 2-3 meals per day. Adjusting calories, 20-33 per pound of body weight per day.  However, adjust calorie intake and feeding time based on individual factors such as breed, age, and health condition. Consultation with your veterinarian is recommended to get their advice on the cat diet plan.

✔What food cats can't eat?

Apart from the best feeding schedule for cats, cat parents also need to be cautious about certain ingredients or food cats cannot eat. Cats have specific dietary needs, and certain human foods can pose serious health risks to them. Here are points to consider when it comes to what food cats can't eat:

  1. The Hidden Danger of Chocolate

    Many people enjoy chocolate, but it includes theobromine and caffeine, both of which are poisonous to cats. These compounds can cause symptoms ranging from nausea and diarrhea to a rise in heart rate and, in severe situations, seizures.

  2. The Caffeine Disaster

    While many people like a cup of coffee in the morning, it's a deadly mixture for our feline pals. Caffeine, which is present in coffee, tea, and some sodas, can cause symptoms similar to chocolate poisoning.

  3. The Onion and Garlic Pandemic

    While onions and garlic are delicious in many human cuisines, they contain substances that can harm a cat's red blood cells, resulting in Heinz's body anemia. Hence, it is very important to not include any onion and garlic in your cat feeding schedule and menu.

  4. The Invisible Danger of Alcohol

    Cats can be severely harmed by even trace amounts of alcohol. Ethanol, the intoxicating component in alcoholic beverages, can cause nausea, lethargy, and, in severe cases, respiratory failure.

  5. The Mystery of the Grape and Raisin

    While the precise toxin in grapes and raisins is unknown, these seemingly innocent foods can be quite hazardous to cats. Consuming grapes or raisins can cause renal failure, so keep these delicacies off the menu for your kitty buddy.

    In addition to the items listed above, it is critical to avoid additional potentially dangerous foods such as avocados, bones, raw eggs, and some nuts. If you have any doubts regarding the safety of a particular food ingredient, always contact your veterinarian.

    Finally, navigating the world of cat food demands striking a careful balance between understanding your feline friend's nutritional needs and implementing a feeding plan that is appropriate for their age, weight, and health issues. Whether you prefer the flexibility of free feeding or the rigidity of periodic meals, the objective is to prioritize a well-balanced and species-appropriate diet. The cat feeding schedule or method you choose is based on your cat's preferences as well as your lifestyle. Furthermore, understanding what foods cats cannot ingest is essential.


  1. What to feed a cat - dry food or wet food?

    Choose based on preference and health. Dry food aids dental health, while wet food ensures hydration. Combining both can provide a balanced diet. Consult your vet for personalized advice.

  2. How long can a cat go without eating?

    Generally 24-48 hours. Monitor closely; consult a vet if refusal persists to prevent health issues like fatty liver disease.

  3. How many times should one feed a cat in a day?

    Cat feeding schedules are divided by age. Kittens, adults, and senior cats have different dietary and eating schedules. The kitten’s feeding schedule usually takes 4-6 times a day, and Adults 2 times a day. Meanwhile, senior cats need smaller but more frequent meals. A consistent routine helps regulate metabolism. Consult a vet for personalized advice on the best time to feed your cats. 

  4. What is the best way to feed a cat?

    There is no ideal cat feeding schedule. Whether it is an adult or kitten, the feeding schedule must include the daily nutrients they need. Choose free feeding or scheduled meals based on the cat's health, behavior, and lifestyle. Provide a balanced diet and consult a vet for personalized advice.

  5. How many cat treats should a cat eat in a day?

    Many new cat parents are confused about the kitten’s eating schedule and their cat’s feeding schedule. Cat treats are not food substitutes to fulfill the cat's eating schedule and nutrients. Choose a low-calorie cat snack like Temptations with a soft filling inside and crunchy outside! This delicious cat treat has less than 2 kcal per treat!


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