Cat Grooming Tips

Cat Grooming Tips

Have you ever seen your fur baby licking out their fur and skin? Unlike humans, cats can clean themselves. However, you must groom your cat regularly to keep its body and coat clean and healthy.

So, why do you need to groom your cat if they can do an excellent job at it? Can grooming cause my cat to lose some fur?

Even though all cats can do that, some cat breeds must be groomed more often to maintain a healthy coat and skin, especially if you have a long-haired cat at home!

Hence, cats still need you to help them keep their skin and coat healthy. As a first-time cat owner, you might have difficulty bathing and grooming your cat home. Worry not! You can find the best professional cat groomer in your town!

Do cats need regular grooming?

The short answer is yes, especially the ones with longer hair!

Cats with longer fur than the other breeds tend to get dirty quickly. Not only while playing outside the house but also when they are eating. The coats are easily tangled because of the dirt and their natural oil. 

Then, what about hairless cats like Sphynx? Having less hair doesn’t mean they do not need good cat grooming. Sphynx may need regular bathing as their skin can get dirty and oily more quickly. Hence, grooming regularly is essential to keep the cat’s fur clean and maintain skin and coat healthiness. 

Cat grooming is also crucial to keep your feline away from skin or cat fur problems, like matting, knots, excessive shedding, hairball blockages, flaky skin, sores, and other skin diseases. A professional groomer will check your cat’s fur and skin condition before and during bath time. From untangling the hair knots to leaving some scent to make your fur baby smells terrific.

Although it is very convenient to let the professional do the job, the cost could be expensive. You may try a simple cat grooming at home to avoid unwanted cat fur problems. Almost all cats dislike water, and some cannot tolerate being touched. But you can start gently stroking and petting them before grooming your cat to ensure they are comfortable. Let them move freely, and once they are ready, you can begin brushing the cat’s fur with a special comb. 

Although grooming is essential, over-grooming can cause sparse hair. Yes, cats can lose some fur in some areas due to over-grooming. Always consult with your vet and your local professional cat groomer on how to groom your cat correctly.

Benefits of cat grooming

Besides keeping the skin and coat healthy, grooming has many more benefits. Here are some other benefits of cat grooming you may have yet to hear of.

  1. Helps with heat stress

    Living in the Philippines with high humidity and hot weather might as well affect your feline, especially those with long cat fur. Cats only have sweat glands in their paws and must wash themselves more in hot weather. Even though the saliva can cool them down, you can also help them prevent heat stress and stroke by grooming them.

  2. Helps find ticks and parasites

    Cat grooming consists of some steps, including brushing the hair. While doing this step, you will detangle their coat and notice some dirt from the cat fur. Brushing coat also lets you pay more attention to their hair and skin condition. Cat owners often find ticks and parasites while combing their hair.

  3. Helps notice lumps

    After brushing the coat, use cat shampoo to clean the skin and coat more thoroughly. Pay more attention to their skin and try to find something abnormal, such as lumps. Always consult with your Vet on how to treat lumps and skin rashes on cats.

  4. Fewer hairballs

    Caring for your cat’s fur is essential to keep them healthy and happy. Grooming your cat also helps to prevent hairballs. The more hair you remove, the fewer hairballs are in their stomach. You can comb or brush your cat’s coat daily to minimize hairballs, especially if they have longer hair.

  5. Less hair shedding

    Long-haired cats shed more than short-haired cats. This is why regular brushing can also reduce cat shedding and help remove loose fur. However, regular brushing doesn’t stop them from shedding. Your cat will still shed, but the hair will be shorter.

  6. Allergy reduction

    Many cat lovers and owners do have allergies to cats. Hence, reducing allergens from the cat’s fur and dead skin is crucial. Weekly bathing could reduce up to 84% of allergens. Even though regular grooming won’t reduce the amount of dander and allergens produced, grooming your cats regularly can at least help control the amount of hair shedding.

Tips for cat grooming

  1. Start grooming when they're young

    Many first-time cat owners are confused about how to groom cats at home. It is best to start caring for your cat’s fur when they are young. Start by stroking your kitten and then brush gently on the area where they like to be petted.

  2. Brush them regularly

    First-time cat owners need to learn how to groom cats right. As mentioned before, a regular brush is essential for less hair shedding and allergy reduction. But many adult cats prefer which part of their body they love to be touched, and some cats prefer to be left alone. To help them feel comfortable before you brush your cat, give them some tasty lickable cat treats, Temptations Creamy Purreee.

  3. Clean their ears

    Cat grooming doesn’t only consist of brushing and bathing but also cleaning their ears. Though ear cleaning needs to be done by professionals, you may also do it at home, depending on your cat’s current condition. If your cat’s ears are free of wax, debris, and redness, you may clean them twice a month. Remember to gently use ear cleaners for cats, and never clean inside your cat’s ear canals.

  4. Trim their nails

    Keep the sharp and long cat nails away from your furniture by trimming their nails. Cat nail trims can be done at home. Several nail trimmer styles include guillotine-style, scissor-style, and even human fingernail clippers. Always consult your professional cat groomer on choosing nail trimmers and learn how to do it right. Pay more attention to your senior cat’s nails, as their claws can grow into their pads.


Preventing hairballs and less shedding is essential for grooming your cat right. Grooming your cat also allows you to pay more attention to checking whether your cat has lumps, skin rashes, or even parasites. Grooming also can prevent hairballs in their stomach, letting them have a healthier life. Although, over-grooming can cause your cats to lose some fur and sparse hair. Consult with your professional groomer and vet to prevent excessive grooming. 


  1. Why is it important to groom your cat?

    Grooming your cat can help to prevent the formation of hairballs, promotes a healthy and shiny coat, and provides the opportunity to check for parasites and skin problem such as lumps. 

  2. Do cats feel better after being groomed?

    Regular grooming helps keep your cat’s fur healthy and happy. Not only do they feel good but grooming also can make them look good. They will feel more relaxed and fresher. 

  3. What happens if I don't groom my cat?

    Skipping regular brush on your cat’s coat can lead to painful angles and hairball formation. They will suffer from hairballs, especially when their body tries to cough them up or expels them in feces. 

  4. What is included in cat grooming?

    Cat grooming consists of steps from brushing and bathing to nail trimming. Professional cat grooming also can help with ear cleaning if they have debris and wax. 

  5. What age can cats be groomed?

    Cats groom themselves since they are young. Kittens even groom each other to bond with each other. You can help them clean their hair if you have a single kitten or raise them without the mother cat.


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