Allergies In Cats

Allergies In Cats

Imagine your cat(s), your playful feline companion(s), starts scratching endlessly or sneezes repetitively. What could be happening to them? Or you have already figured it but still wondering “My cat has allergies, what should I do?”. You have landed on the right page and welcome to the confusing world of allergies in cats. These allergic reactions can manifest in various ways, ranging from cat skin allergies to respiratory issues. As a responsible cat owner, it's crucial to recognize the signs and symptoms of allergies in your furry friend. Let’s explore the common allergens that affect cats, delve into the types of allergies in cats they might experience, and provide practical insights into effective treatments and preventive measures from finding the best cat food for allergies with hypoallergenic cat foods to bathing the cat regularly. Whether your cat's allergies are a new concern or an ongoing issue, gaining insights into this topic will empower you to provide the best possible care for your cherished companion.

✔ Types of Allergies in Cat

There are 4 common types of allergies in cats that you can spot which are: insect (fleas), food allergy in cats, atopic dermatitis (house dust, pollen, and molds), and contact.

  1. Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD):

    Fleas are more than just a nuisance; they can provoke an allergic reaction known as a form of dermatitis in cats. Even a single flea bite can set off intense itching and discomfort, leading to skin inflammation and irritation showing as dermatitis in cats.

  2. Food Allergies:

    Food allergies in cats can develop due to sensitivities to certain ingredients in their diet, often proteins like chicken, beef, or fish which may lead to skin problems, gastrointestinal issues, and persistent ear infections. More allergies in cats through consumptions are like, medications.

  3. Contact Allergies (Skin Allergies):

    Cat skin allergies arise when they come into direct contact with substances like certain plants, cleaning products, or fabrics. A local reaction from the contact with an allergic substance will occur when this happens.

  4. Inhalant Allergies (Atopy in Cats):

    This dermatitis in cats rises through inhaling allergens such as pollen or dust can trigger respiratory symptoms in cats, including sneezing, coughing, and nasal discharge. Through this, cats can develop asthma as well which leads to breathing difficulties, wheezing and coughing.

✔ Signs and Symptoms of Allergies in Cats

“How do I know if my cat has allergies?” You may ask. One of the easiest symptoms to spot is excessive itching, scratching and chewing on the skin of your cat sometimes, even hair loss which might indicate dermatitis in cats. Flea allergy in cats is the most common type of cat skin allergies that shows in forms of fur loss and skin inflammation. Allergies can also cause intense scratching and excessive grooming which can bring upon hair loss in localized areas where the cat focuses its attention. Allergic reactions to environmental triggers can cause cats to sneeze frequently and some discharge from their nose; watery or red eyes could also appear when your cat has allergies. Food allergies in cats can result in vomiting, diarrhea, or other gastrointestinal symptoms which might be chronic. Another common sign of food allergies in cats is ear inflammation, itching and shaking of heads from chronic ear infections that have developed from their allergies, especially to food. Other signs can also be paw chewing, changes in behavior and respiratory issues.

✔ Causes of Allergies in Cats

  1. Flea Allergy Dermatitis

    This dermatitis in cats can occur from a flea bite. Flea’s saliva causes the release of histamine-like compound that cats can be allergic to and causing extreme itchiness. A flea allergy in cat can make them feel itchy intensely for up to 2 weeks from one flea bite.

  2. Food Allergies

    Food allergies in cats occur when a cat's immune system reacts negatively to certain proteins in their diet. Common allergenic proteins include those found in chicken, beef, dairy, and fish. Hypoallergenic cat foods are food that have ingredients that are less likely to trigger allergies.

    Temptations ™ cat treats serve a range of flavors (such as tuna, chicken, and more!) that you can choose from for your cats so they can still have delicious treats!

  3. Contact Allergies

    This form of cat skin allergy can arise from certain types of plants, fabrics, cleaning products, or materials used in their environment. Substances around at home where they are around can trigger this allergic reaction.

  4. Inhalant Allergies (Atopy in Cats)

    This allergic reaction is often triggered by breathing in allergens which include pollen, mold spores, dust mites and even certain perfumes or cleaning agents. In the long run, this can also cause feline asthma in your cats.

✔ How to Treat Allergies in Cats

  1. The first and the main step to treat your feline companion is to consult a veterinarian for to identify the specific allergens that is causing the allergic reactions. Veterinarians can also recommend cat food for allergies or hypoallergenic cat foods and which food to exclude in their diet from now on. Hypoallergenic cat foods usually only contain one source of protein and very little amount of fibre.
  2. Flea prevention measures such as over-the-counter solutions and dewormers is important to minimize flea exposure and consider using air purifiers to reduce the risk of exposure to pollen, dust mites, and other airborne allergens.
  3. Changes in diet can help with food allergies, finding for cat food for allergies and meal planning can be assisted by the veterinarian. These altered diets may help to manage the symptoms by taking out the protein source which are allergenic.
  4. Medications may be prescribed by the veterinary depending on the severity of the allergies. For example, antihistamines, steroid and immunotherapy.
  5. Topical treatments can also ease the symptoms of cat skin allergies. Showering them regularly can also ease and soothe their skin from flare ups.

✔ Conclusion

Many may feel overwhelmed when allergy strikes their furry feline companions. Allergies in cats may vary from skin to food allergies. It is crucial to know how to spot it, what are the triggers and how can you find suitable cat food for allergies and altering their diet with hypoallergenic cat foods. Your cat still deserves the world and treats in which, Temptations ™ provide a variety of flavors to choose from.

Embrace the intricate world of feline allergies armed with knowledge. Recognize "my cat has allergies" as a call to action. Combat allergy in cats, prioritize their well-being, and always consult veterinarians for expert guidance.


  1. What common cat skin problems to watch out for?


    Some of the common cat skin allergies that may arise are: flea allergy in cats, ringworms, allergic dermatitis, hot spots, abscesses, acne miliary dermatitis, dry skin, lice/mites and others. All these may manifest in many forms, thus regular checkups at the veterinary is important to make sure that your cat skin stays healthy and their coat shiny!

  2. What vet will do to identify my cat's allergy?

    Vets may identify cat allergies through multiple ways such as: medical history, physical exams, elimination diets, allergy testing (skin or blood), intradermal skin tests, allergen specific IgE tests, trial medications, flea control trials, and skin biopsies. Results will guide tailored treatment plans, which could involve dietary changes, medication, or immunotherapy.

  3. How to treat cats with allergies at home?

    As a pet owner, you may feel responsible to be able to treat your cats with allergies at home. There are many things that you can do regularly to help your cat with it such as, regular cleaning to reduce allergen exposure, groom and bathe your cat regularly or as per vet’s advice, make sure they stay hydrated and has a balanced diet or providing hypoallergenic cat foods, using flea control and manage stress. It is also important to make sure that the supplements and medications that they are taking are vet approved.

  4. How long does the allergy in cats last?

    Allergies in cats may vary in duration which can be affected by several factors such as the type of allergy, allergen source and cat’s individual response. Some may last for a short period while some may be chronic. To reduce the frequency and duration of allergic reaction, a vet’s role is crucial to help identify and manage allergens.


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